How to Deal with Nasty House Pests

 In Advice

Our homes provide us with warmth and security, they are our castle, our home sweet home. But we may not be the only ones enjoying the comfort of our homes. Various uninvited freeloaders live, feed, and terrorize our homes, the nasty house pests.

There are various house pests everywhere in the globe. And in one way or another, we are forced to face them head-on or call on our local pest control experts. So, here is the list of common house pests and how to deal with them.


Flies are attracted mainly to decaying matter. They feed on leftovers and rotting organic materials. It is also where they lay their eggs which turn into maggots that also feed on the rotting matter. With this behavior, flies are notorious carriers of various diseases. This includes dysentery, typhoid, and even cholera.

Proper waste handling and disposal decrease the chances of flies buzzing inside or around the property. By making sure that the garbage bins are closed tight at all times, and by ensuring the food sources aren’t left outside attracting flies should be number one on your to do list for controlling flies. Having a fly spray can also come in handy.

Bed Bugs

This blood-feeding parasite has been a concern for decades throughout the world including in Southern Ontario. Bed bugs are flat, wingless, 4-5mm insects. They aren’t known to carry diseases (thankfully) that can be passed to humans. But their bites can cause itching and swelling and in some cases allergic reaction.

If not handled properly, the flat insects might just hibernate in small corners and attack again. Despite the popular belief about bed bugs infesting unclean homes, these nasty bugs can easily come in to and infest even the most clean properties. Meaning, even just visiting your local shopping center or using the public transport can bring bed bugs back to your home. Having professional pest control technicians exterminate bed bugs is the best way to handle their infestation. Our trusted pest control company offers rapid extermination of bed bugs in Mississauga and other locations nearby.


Dealing with ants means you are fighting an entire army of insects. The ants depend on their queen who lays eggs while worker ants forage for food. Leaving leftovers and garbage unattended attracts forager ants into your home. Having a clean kitchen is one way to keep the ants away.

Disrupting their scent trails with natural oils and water-vinegar solution also helps reduce ants infestation. Ants communicate using small chemicals known as pheromones to inform each other about food sources. If you do happen to see anthills start popping up around the property. You may try pesticides or even natural ant extermination methods such as poring boiling water in to as many anthills as you can identify.

If ant infestation is at an uncontrollable stage, as in, despite all your efforts, their numbers seem to be increasing, then, calling a professional ant exterminator can be helpful to eradicate the problem.

If you do notice anthills around the backyard, this is a sure sign that the ants have already built their colony around the home. If left untreated, or the problem is ignored, do keep in mind that the ants will not move elsewhere, instead, they will overtime cause structural damage to your property due to their extensive underground network.

How do you know when ant infestation requires professional pest control experts? When the conditions are ideal, ants will use a nesting strategy called Polydomy. This is when an ant colony occupies more than one particular nest while sharing resources between colonies. Ants polydomous colonies are made up of distinct sub-colonies making their extermination difficult for most homeowners. Meaning, if you’ve been tackling the problem but no avail, your property may have polydomous colonies requiring professional pest extermination services.

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These nasty rodents are one of the most destructive pests. They feed on almost anything you can imagine. They can also be very scary to come face to face with especially at night. Rats are well known for carrying diseases like leptospirosis and salmonella. Although not as common in residential properties, they are sure to be a problem in commercial properties such as food handling businesses or commercial kitchens.

Some people believe that having a cat may help in keeping the rats in check. And yet, the last thing you would want to see is a rat facing off your pet companion. Because rats will attack cats as well as humans when threatened. You may set up rat traps or even consider using rat poison which may be an option. Best way to get rid of rats is by hiring your local rat exterminators.


cockroach on concrete floor

Fast. Flying. Fearsome. Cockroaches are one of the nastiest pests you have to deal with. And with how fast these pests breed, they are difficult to eradicate. Cockroaches may contaminate food and cause diarrhea and even typhoid fever.

Not using preventative measures such as Integrated Pest Management is one of the reasons for the presence of cockroaches. Best way to prevent their infestation is through regular property maintenance, keeping food sources air-tight-shut and by eliminating water sources is one way to combat cockroaches. Pesticides can also kill roaches on the spot but they might not solve the total infestation since they nest in out of sight spaces.


If you have pets at home, fleas can be a problem. Fleas transfer from dogs and cats when they are exposed to an infected animal. In turn, the fleas can also transfer to you.

Just like bedbugs, fleas are also blood feeders. Their bite leaves itchy marks and might cause an infection. Spotting early signs of flea infestation in pets is beneficial. Incessant scratching is one of the few signs to watch out for. Once a flea infestation is confirmed, the use of anti-fleas shampoo for your pets is secondary option, first being contacting your local licensed pest control professional.


Clothes moth and pantry moths are two of the common pests to deal with around the home. Clothes moth eat fabric and lay eggs on cabinets and clothes drawer. Pantry moths, on the other hand, eat grains, spices and flour. Aside from these damages, moth dust can also cause allergic reaction especially for those suffering from asthma.

Storing food and clothes in dry areas can help lessen moth infestation. If moth eggs and larva are present, get rid of them by washing your clothes at high temperature setting. Regularly cleaning your cabinets and storage spaces is a must too. The use of naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene also helps to keep the moths away.


Another blood-sucking insect on this list is the mosquito. These 3-9mm in size insects are found worldwide. They are most active in tropical and subtropical areas. Mosquitoes pose health dangers. They can carry diseases such as the Zika virus, West Nile virus, and the dengue virus.

Mosquitoes breed on stagnant water so getting rid of their breeding sites is a good step to get rid of them. The use of mosquito repellants is also beneficial. Also, if an infestation is serious, fumigation is one of the options to eradicate them thoroughly.

Experiencing problems with any of the mentioned pests above? Living in Oakville, Burlington, Mississauga, Milton, Scarborough, Hamilton Ontario Canada?

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