Information & Advice by Trusted Experts

Below are insights for better understanding of pests and how to deal with them. Information within are for educational purposes only for common pests found in Ontario Canada. Simply press on any link to continue.


Expert Pest Control Tips for Keeping Your Apartment Pest Free

Living in an apartment or condo? Is your apartment pest free? You’re not alone – and neither are the pests! Shared walls and common areas make these spaces a paradise for bugs and [...]


Understanding the Benefits of Continuous Pest Control Services

Pests don’t take vacations like we do. They’re always on the lookout for food and shelter. Your home might be their next target, no matter the season. Many folks think pest [...]


Woodworm or Termite Infestation

While both woodworm or termite infestation pose threats as wood-destroying pests, they are quite different invaders requiring distinct treatment approaches. Mistaking which insect you’re [...]


Cockroach Feast: What Attracts Roaches and Where Do Roaches Hide

Surprising Factors that Attract Cockroaches to Your Home. Cockroaches are the ultimate uninvited dinner guests. These resilient pests can sniff out a meal from surprising distances. Crumbs, open [...]


A Guide to Identifying Pests Through Their Droppings

Spotting pests droppings early is crucial for Canadian homeowners. One of the best clues? Droppings. These tiny calling cards reveal a lot about your uninvited guests. Pest droppings vary widely [...]


The Best Effective Guide to Mice Control Solutions That Work

Whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, dealing with mice can be both frustrating and unsettling. These tiny invaders not only cause damage to your property but also pose health risks to [...]


Who Covers the Costs of Dealing with Pests: Landlords or Tenants?

Don’t let pests become a headache for you. Learn who is responsible for dealing with pest infestations in rental properties. Keep your apartment and wallet happy with our helpful tips. Are [...]


Ultimate Guide to Effective Mice Control: Tips, Methods, and Professional Advice For Mice-Free Environment

Imagine walking into your kitchen late at night, only to find a tiny creature scurrying across the floor. This unsettling experience isn’t just a nuisance—it can be a serious problem. Mice [...]


Spring Pests Alert: Identifying and Preventing the 6 Most Common Intruders

Worried about spring pests? Let Maximum Pest Control Services handle it! Our insured, bonded professional pest control exterminators specialize in eradicating the top 6 most common spring pests [...]


Roof Rats: Identifying and Eliminating These Sneaky Pests

Roof rats are incredibly destructive pests that can wreak havoc on homes and businesses. These agile climbers have no problem scaling walls and utilities to access upper levels, where they gnaw [...]

Maximum Pest Control Services