Understanding the Benefits of Continuous Pest Control Services

Pests don’t take vacations like we do. They’re always on the lookout for food and shelter. Your home might be their next target, no matter the season. Many folks think pest [...]


Woodworm or Termite Infestation

While both woodworm or termite infestation pose threats as wood-destroying pests, they are quite different invaders requiring distinct treatment approaches. Mistaking which insect you’re [...]


Cockroach Feast: What Attracts Roaches and Where Do Roaches Hide

Surprising Factors that Attract Cockroaches to Your Home. Cockroaches are the ultimate uninvited dinner guests. These resilient pests can sniff out a meal from surprising distances. Crumbs, open [...]


A Guide to Identifying Pests Through Their Droppings

Spotting pests droppings early is crucial for Canadian homeowners. One of the best clues? Droppings. These tiny calling cards reveal a lot about your uninvited guests. Pest droppings vary widely [...]


Who Covers the Costs of Dealing with Pests: Landlords or Tenants?

Don’t let pests become a headache for you. Learn who is responsible for dealing with pest infestations in rental properties. Keep your apartment and wallet happy with our helpful tips. Are [...]


Spring Pests Alert: Identifying and Preventing the 6 Most Common Intruders

Worried about spring pests? Let Maximum Pest Control Services handle it! Our insured, bonded professional pest control exterminators specialize in eradicating the top 6 most common spring pests [...]


Roof Rats: Identifying and Eliminating These Sneaky Pests

Roof rats are incredibly destructive pests that can wreak havoc on homes and businesses. These agile climbers have no problem scaling walls and utilities to access upper levels, where they gnaw [...]


Effective Strategies to Avoid Pest Infestations in Healthcare Facilities

Keep pest infestation from your healthcare facility pest-free with Maximum Pest Control Services. Our effective strategies and professional team can prevent and eliminate any pest infestation. [...]


Effective Pantry Pest Solutions to Keep Your Kitchen Safe

Keep your kitchen safe and free from pantry pests with Maximum pest control services. Our effective solutions will eliminate any unwanted critters and protect your home calling Maximum (905) [...]


Mouse Trap Woes: Why Aren’t They Effective?

Don’t let mice take over your home. Trust the certified and insured pest control experts at Maximum Pest Control Service to eliminate these unwanted visitors for good. Call (905) 582-5502 [...]