I Found A Rat in My house! Are There More?

 In Pest Control

I found a rat in my house! Are there more? This is a commonly asked question by home and business owners. The short answer? Yes. If you see one rat, the high chances are that there are more living on your premises. Research shows that rats are one of the most social rodents, preferring to live in large groups.

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Rats are exceptionally good at hiding. They usually make their nests in the dark, secluded areas such as basements, attics, between walls, under porches, and crawlspaces. In fact, this is one of the reasons homeowners rarely see these secretive creatures, often requiring the help of an expert to detect and control an infestation such as Maximum pest control services.

Our certified and bonded technicians at Maximum Pest Control Services will inspect your home to determine the rat species invading. The technician will then recommend a customized rat control solution program to get rid of the pests and keep them from re-infesting.

Rats Are Social Pests

Regardless of how disgusting and cringe-worthy rats may seem, these sneaky creatures are highly intelligent. In fact, rats are ranked among the ten smartest animal species on earth. Research has not only revealed that these creatures have a great memory, but they are also very sociable.

By nature, rats prefer to live and travel in groups known as packs, and they form very tight family bonds. Interestingly, rats can get depressed and lonely if they live on their own. Hence, a rat must always bring at least one buddy to play with, snuggle up with, and groom each other.

So if you spot one rat, there are probably more living in your attic, under appliances, behind cabinets, in air ducts, or piles of clutter. However, if you’re lucky enough, you may have spotted a lone rat on your premises. Either way, spotting a rat necessitates rapid pest control measures, as these invasive creatures are known to spread deadly diseases and cause structural damage.

Rats Are Prolific Breeders

Rats live in groups known as packs. A pack begins when a male and a female rat branch off from their old pack to start a new one in an uninhabited place. Most packs are dominated by one large male who guards numerous females and their offspring. The dominant male aggressively keeps other males from mating the females. However, some packs may have several dominant males guarding the group.

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It’s possible that you have one rat or just two looking for an appropriate place to start their pack. But like mice, rats are prolific breeders. A pair can breed up to 15 times per year and produce more than 100 offspring in a year very easily.

On top of their high breeding rates, rats also reach sexual maturity quickly. Young male rats reach sexual maturity within 6-10 weeks, while females reach maturity in about 2-3 months. Hence, you want to solve a rat problem fast and effectively.

How to Tell If You Have More Rats

There’s only one way to tell if you have one rat in your house. You’d have to catch the rat and watch if the signs of rat presence stop. If signs such as scratching noises and rat droppings seize, you can be certain you had a lone invader. However, if the signs persist, then that’s a sign that there are more. Signs of a rat infestation include:

  • Rat droppings:Rat droppings are dark and shiny, typically measuring ½ to ¾ inches long. While fresh rat feces are usually moist, they become dry and gray with time. Rat poop is often found near food sources such as pantries, kitchen cabinets, and behind storage shelves.
  • Scratching noises:Rats communicate using chirps, hisses, and squeaks. Most of these noises are ultrasonic and undetectable by the human ear. However, you can hear scratching or scampering noises as rats move around and climb walls, especially at night.
  • Gnaw marks and bites:Like other rodents, rats are notorious for chewing through food packaging, cardboard boxes, and dry walls. Seeing bite marks on packages and surfaces is a sure sign of a rat infestation.
  • Rat nests:Rats usually make their nests in the dark, undisturbed areas such as between walls and crawlspaces. The nests are typically made of shredded, soft materials such as cotton, paper, and fabric.

What Makes Your Home Attractive to Rats

Rats are opportunistic feeders. These filthy creatures are constantly searching for food, water, and shelter and in between dropping everywhere. Easy access to these factors can make your home a sanctuary for rat pests. Here are factors that may unwittingly attract rats to your property:

  • Warmth and shelter:Rats are warm-blooded pests who actively seek a warm and comfortable place to survive the cold winter weather. They also need a safe place from predators to raise their young ones. The warmth coming from the fireplace and heating system can invite these disease carriers to the comfort of your home.
  • Food source:Rats need food to survive; they eat virtually anything they can get their paws on. Unsealed garbage cans, uncovered pet food, and bird seeds will lure these pesky pests into your home to rapture all things related.
  • Water sources:Rats can only survive a maximum of 4 days without water. As such, water sources such as leaky faucets, dripping pipes, and faulty sprinklers are like a magnet for rats to survive and thrive.

How to Control a Pack of Rats?

Irrespective of the size of the infestation, rats are naturally difficult to get rid of. That’s primarily because these creatures are unbelievably smart and agile, which enables them to avoid being caught. Generally, measures to control a pack of rats are the same as that of a single rat, only at a different level.

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Maximum Pest control trained exterminators ‘experts recommend using snap traps when controlling a pack of rats. Bait the traps with foods that attract rodents, such as cheese or peanut butter, and place them in strategic areas throughout the house. Use many traps to catch as many rats as possible. Check the traps regularly, and dispose of the dead rats. Also, keep rat traps out of the way of children and pets.

Maximum Pest Control Services’ Solution for Rat Problems

If you notice or suspect a rat problem on your property, call a pest control exterminator immediately to discuss the best safe control method. At Maximum Pest Control Services, we identify the rat and dropping type causing you problems and recommend the best control method.

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We start by thoroughly inspecting your home to identify possible entry access points and seal them so they won’t able to come back. We then get rid of the active infestation in your premises and place bait stations on the exterior to control the rodent population around your exterior property. Our services are paired with professional pest control mice and rats advice on how to keep rodents away and how to prevent chances of re-infestations. Contact Maximum Calling (905) 582-5502. Our trained pest controller exterminators are certified and bonded by MOE ministry.

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