Are Wasps Pests? And Other Frequently Asked Questions About Wasp Control Services

 In Pest Control

Wasps are an enormously diverse group of insects, with an estimated 30,000 described species worldwide and numerous others undescribed yet. Canada alone is home to more than 500 species of wasps, most of which are social critters that live in large colonies of about 15,000 members. Only a few of these species cause problems for humans and are considered real pests. Other species do not sting and, in fact, play an essential part in the ecosystem.


The most common invaders in Canada include yellow jackets, hornets, mud daubers, and paper wasps. Being able to tell different wasp species apart is vital when identifying potential pests and appropriate control methods. Perhaps you’re wondering if they are pests. Well, buckle up and get ready to learn, as this article answers this question and other frequently asked questions about wasp control services in Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton Ontario Canada.

How to Identify Them: What Are Types of Wasps They?

A typical wasp is a small social insect with a narrow waist and pointed wings. Unlike the hairy bees, they are not hairy; they tend to be bald with a shiny appearance. Like other insects, wasps have three body segments, including the head, thorax, and abdomen. The abdomen forms a long/short constricted petiole that connects it to the thorax, giving the appearance of a narrow waist.

They have three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings used for flying. Upon closer inspection, you’ll notice that have two compound eyes on each side of the head. And on top of the head are three other simple eyes referred to as Ocelli. A wasps’ head also bears segmented antennae, sensory organs, and a pointy mouth part called a mandible.

The size and color of adult wasps vary greatly depending on the species. For instance, yellow jackets and hornets are medium-sized, typically measuring 10-25mm long. These species are easily recognizable as they have bands of bold yellow, black, or white colors on their bodies and faces.

Comparably, mud daubers grow beyond 13mm long, and they aren’t very colorful as they are typically black with the occasional pale-yellow band. On the other hand, paper wasps have long legs with yellow, reddish, and black markings, often growing beyond 16 mm long.

People Asking Are Wasps Pests?

They are moody aggressive insects that resort to stinging as a defense mechanism. Common in both urban and rural Canada, these flying creatures can become a stinging menace when disturbed. For instance, are attracted to sweet and protein foods, including ripe fruits, honey, juice/soda, meat, and dairy products. This makes them a common nuisance during outdoor gatherings, where they’ll readily sting you, your guests, and your pets if disturbed when hunting for food.

Unlike bees, however, have also been reported to attack unprovoked. Even worse, don’t lose their stinger when they sting, allowing them to sting a victim multiple times. Wasp stings can cause uncomfortable itchiness and pain, accompanied by symptoms such as swelling and redness in the sting area.

When wasps sting, they can inject venom into your skin. Although the venom is toxic, not many people develop severe allergic reactions. However, it’s critical to note that on rare occasions, severe allergic reactions to wasp multiple times stings and venom have caused death to some people. As such, you should seek medical attention immediately if you are allergic to wasp stings or experience symptoms such as dizziness and shortness of breath.

What are The Signs of a Wasp Infestation?

The most obvious sign of a wasp problem on your property is spotting the wasps themselves. If you see several wasps in your home or office, there’s a high chance that a wasp nest is nearby, for instance, in your garden. A mature wasp nest can have thousands of them by the peak of summer. As such, you should treat a wasp nest as soon as you spot it to reduce the risks associated with an increase count of wasp’s infestation very fast.

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Paper Wasp nests usually have a papery or balloon appearance with intricate swirl-like patterns on the outside. They are dull looking with a Gray color and can be found anywhere in and around your home. While yellow jackets prefer to construct their paper nests underground in old rodent burrows, paper wasp’ nests usually hang from tree branches and eaves of roofs.

Wasp Nest Removal and Control

While it may be tempting to remove a wasp nest by yourself, wasp nest removal can be very risky and even life-threatening. This task is best left to the trained experts, who are equipped with the appropriate protective gear to ensure a safe process. Our technicians at Maximum Pest Control Services are equipped with advanced tools and equipment for effective wasp nest removal and control services while ensuring maximum safety for you, your loved ones, and your pets.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wasp Problems

What Do Wasps Eat?

These narrow-waist insects have a diverse diet, including nectar, pollen, honeydew, and fruit juices. While they primarily feed on sweet things, are well-known scavengers and cannibals that can eat their siblings and other insects.

What Attracts Wasps?

Like other insects, wasps can invade if there’s a reliable food source. They are attracted to flowers because of nectar and places with easy access to small insects such as spiders, beetles, caterpillars, crickets, and aphids.They can also infest your home if there is easy access to sweet foods such as soda, honey, glucose, and rotting meat in waste bins.

How Can I Prevent Wasps Infesting?

The most effective way to prevent a wasp invasion is by sealing potential entry points, such as window cracks and door gaps. You can install or repair window and door screens to keep flying pests away. It’s also important to make your home inhabitable to them by removing potential food sources, such as eradicating pests, storing foods in tightly sealed containers, cleaning spills immediately, and keeping garbage cans lid closed.

What is the lifespan of a wasp?

The lifespan of a wasp typically depends on the species. But generally, worker can live up in days between 12-22 ,while the queen wasps can last a whole year maybe plus.

What Do I Do If I See a Wasp Nest?

A wasp nest is an obvious sign of a wasp problem on your property. Attempting to remove a nest can make the pests feel threatened, resulting in multiple stings that can be life-threatening. That said, you should contact local licensed wasp control exterminator like Maximum Pest Control Services to safely get rid of the nest and control the infestation calling us at (905) 582-5502.

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