8 Reasons You Keep Having Pest Problems

 In Pest Control

Pests are a creepy menace because of their scary appearance and the harmful risks they impose on us. For most homeowners, pests like ants, beetles, and moths are more of an annoyance than anything. But be warned– if you ignore these house invaders, things can go from annoying to straight-up terrifying within the shortest time ever.

You probably already know that termites can severely destroy the structural integrity of your home in time, but you may not realize that some ant species can cause similar damage. On the other hand, moths can eat the heart out of your most valuable possessions, including clothes and dry foods easily.

It is crucial to effectively eliminate pests and keep them away from your property. Perhaps you keep having pest problems in your home? In that case, the high chances are that you have several factors that allow pests to live and thrive inside.

Here are 8 clear reasons you keep having pest problems in your home.


Insects and pests eat a wide variety of foods. A significant constituent of their menu is human foods, including cereals, flours, animal flesh, sugary foods and drinks. Unfortunately, food crumbs and drink spills are very common in any home. Messes on the kitchen floor, near the dining table, and behind appliances can attract this creepy crawlies.

On top of that, most pests are not picky eaters. This means that the garbage in your waste bin and the natural fibers in your fabrics can serve as their next meal. Some pests, like spiders, feast on insects such as mosquitoes and roaches. Therefore, the presence of one indoor pest could signify that you have an existing pest problem.

Preventative Action: Food spills and messes should be wiped out as soon as they occur. Indoor waste bins should be emptied every day to prevent waste buildup. It’s also critical that you invite a pest control expert to inspect your home and determine the exact cause of your pest issue.


Unbeknown to many, water can attract a pest infestation. In fact, water is one of the three basic needs for pests to survive and thrive. Water is not just a food source but also a harborage for the world’s deadliest animal – the mosquito. Other pests strongly linked to water and moist places include cockroaches, termites, booklice, and midges.

Preventative Action: You can take preventative actions proactively to prevent moisture buildup in your home and keep the bothersome bugs away. This includes repairing leaky pipes and faulty faucets, wiping spills off the counter, using a floor mat to trap excess water from your feet, keeping windows shut during rainy seasons, and ensuring your home is well-ventilated to reduce humidity levels.


As stated earlier, some pests are insanely attracted to filth. For instance, the dirt buildup in your garbage bin allows flies, roaches, rats, and ants to feed, breed, and multiply rapidly.

It’s true that maintaining a meticulously clean environment alone will not prevent pests from invading. However, rubbish, filth, and debris make your home even more vulnerable to unwanted guests. The old box of books and the pile of unused items in the basement serve as a favorite residence for household invades like spiders.

Preventative Action: Remove all unused boxes, magazines, and clutter from around your house, dispose of garbage without waiting too long, and ensure your yard is free of debris.

Entry Points

Pests and large rodents are notorious for sneaking in through unimaginably tiny holes. They only need a small opening to enter your home. This can easily be the small gaps in your foundation and walls, improperly sealed doors, cracks in windows, and openings such as exhaust fans, dryers, and vents.

Preventative Action: To prevent the nasty trespassers, you should bug-proof your home. This involves sealing doors, installing window screens, and repairing cracks in your home’s exterior with caulk. To pest-proof large openings such as chimneys, you should consider stapling a hard-wire cloth over the holes to keep bugs out.

Seasonal Changes

Seasonal changes influence pest behavior. They can drive specific bugs into the house. Winter, for instance, brings enough worry about rodent invasions. When temperatures begin to drop outdoors, insects such as spiders, roaches, raccoons, rats, and mice cannot handle the cold weather outdoors. So, they may find a warm and safe sanctuary inside your house.

Preventative Action: The best way to keep winter pests away is by preventing them from gaining access to your home. This includes replacing loose weather stripping, decluttering, repairing damaged window screens, and sealing cracks/holes on the outside of your home.


Interestingly, most insects are not able to generate their own body heat, so they rely on the warmth in your house to keep going. Roaches, ants, and ladybugs seek warmth in large numbers, especially during cold weather.

Preventative Action: Again, the most effective way to keep opportunistic pests away from your home is by pest proofing and keeping your house extra clean.

Unused Drains

Unused drains in sinks and bathrooms are often surrounded by dirt, such as hair, dead skin cells, and food particles. That, plus the fact that unused drains can start to stink after a while, will not only attract pests and provide a food source but also a breeding ground for drain flies and a hotbed for roaches.

Preventative Action: To clear out bugs from unused drains, you need to clean up all present film and fungus. By doing so you take away their food source. You should also pour bleach down the drain to clear out pest nests while killing their eggs and larvae.

Still Air 

Sill air can attract pests into your home – that’s right! While still air is not a cause of concern for most homeowners, you’ll be surprised to know that it can be very unpleasant, causing great problems if left unattended. Still air results in dampness, moisture, and unpleasant odors. These factors attract pests.

Preventative Action: Getting rid of and preventing still air is pretty easy. All you need to do is open your windows to introduce new air into the house and change the HVAC filter often to ensure the maximum effectiveness of your ventilation system.

Need Some Help from The Pros?

Dealing with pest issues can be a demanding and time-consuming task! Unfortunately, DIY pest control often leave homeowners frustrated with unsuccessful pest control results. That’s understandable. Successful pest control demands correct identification of the pest causing you trouble. For instance, trying to control house flies while you have cluster flies will yield very poor results. Worse still, most household pests have evolved a resistance to the commonly used pesticides.

Maximum Pest Control Services experts are highly trained and experienced in dealing with complex pest issues. We offer the most effective, reliable, and affordable pest control services near me. Name the pest, and we will customize an appropriate solution that meets your unique needs either for your home or business. Contact Us Today (905) 582-5502.

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